P.O. Box 390666 Deltona, FL 32739

Family Memories

Jakyrah Quashawn Kersey

Jakyrah Quashawn Kersey

Family Memories

Jakyrah Quashawn Kersey Memories

My name is Yolanda Kersey, on January 21, 2015; I lost my one and only beautiful, 14year old daughter. She was a healthy young girl, with no chronic illness. My baby girl was diagnosis with Adenovirus and Rhinovirus, But just when I fell that life could not get any worse, I also lost my job after 11 years of employment. My daughter would have been in the 10 Th, grade this year. Now every day has been hard for me and my family, now on September 8, 2015, was the first day of school, and like always I was waiting for a 1 day of school picture to be post on facebook. But instead of this day being like one of many sad days, this one had a happy ending. Instead of a picture on facebook, I receive a call from Mrs. Peggy Summersill and the Bradley Summersill Foundation. My hardship had made it hard for me to continue to make payments on Jakyrah’s headstone. Mrs. Peggy and the Foundation help me with the last few payments on the headstone.

Thank You Bradley Summersill Foundation, from the family of Jakyrah Quashawn Kersey.

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