Family Memories
Grand Angel Lilly

Family Memories
Grand Angel Lilly Memories
My sweet Grand Angel Lilly was born into this world on December 26, 2016, and left us before her first breath was ever taken. We lost her so unexpectedly due to a Placental Abruption. She was moving and kicking up to an hour before my went to the hospital to birth her, thinking she was merely in labor. There were no physical signs of distress noticed by my daughter or even the doctors until the fetal monitor was placed, and that’s when our world turned upside down.
Our Lilly is my only Grandchild and my daughter’s first child. I can’t even describe the pain my daughter is going through. My heart aches for Lilly and just absolutely breaks for my daughter.
Mrs Summersill contacted me through a post I placed on Facebook because I needed to just talk about Lilly and hopefully find someone who is or has dealt with this horrible thing. I am just appreciative of her reaching out to me and my child through this terrible time even if we don’t receive assistance through this most wonderful group, I will forever be thankful that someone thought enough of my family to reach out in this way.
Catrina Wilcox