About Us
Contact us with your questions!

Let me start out by telling you our story. On January 1st, 2010, just after midnight, Bradley Summersill, 18, and Brian Walker, 22, were hit and killed in the first drunk driving accident of the year.
Though they were young, both were very well known in their communities and leave behind very large legacies. When laying the boys to rest, Bradley’s family, a true hardworking blue collar family, were faced with the cost of a funeral they weren’t sure how they would be able to afford. Losing a family member is very hard, losing a child is unbearable, and not knowing where the money to put your child to rest is coming from is, that much harder.
A benefit was held in Bradley’s name to raise money to help the family pay for the headstone. The turnout was overwhelming and after buying Bradley the headstone he so deserved, there was money left over.
Because the family and friends of these boys needed an outlet; something to turn such a tragic event into something positive; the money leftover was used to start this foundation.
We are a completely non-profit 501c3 organization run off of donations and fundraising events.
The Bradley Summersill foundation provides a grave site marker for families who lose a child under the age of 24 and cannot afford them. In the darkest times of a parent’s life, we are there to extend our help and hopefully ease their mind in the slightest bit. We hope to, one day, be able to provide grave site markers on a national basis for families in need.
In the meantime, we are here to help as many families that reach out to us, as we can. Please feel free to contact us for requests for help, questions, information on how to get involved, and of course, on how to donate to this amazing heartfelt cause.